According to the Law of Ukraine “On the Audit of Financial Statements and Auditing Activities” No. 2258-VIII dated December 21, 2017, an updated Register of Auditors and Audit Entities is created in Ukraine.d
Audit Company “GARANT-AUDIT” is included in the section of the Register “entities of auditing activity authorized to conduct a mandatory audit of financial statements of enterprises of public interest”.
A distinctive feature of the Audit Company “GARANT-AUDIT” work is the desire to provide clients with the most effective areas of relations.
By signing a contract for services with the Audit Company “GARANT-AUDIT”, you, first of all, achieve the opportunity to focus on running your business. Our specialists guarantee a high level of service and responsibility for the quality of services provided. Taking into account the peculiarities of the client's business, in each particular case, an individual scheme of cooperation is developed that will be most suitable for the client.
The Audit Company “GARANT-AUDIT” activities are aimed at continuous improvement of its service package in order to serve its clients comprehensively and provide them with the most effective and high-quality solutions.
The desire to provide clients with highly professional audit services as well as common views on the prospects of the business laid the basis for effective cooperation and a qualitatively new level of development.
The main principles of the company's work with clients are result orientation, building long-term relationships and high quality standards of services provided.
This approach to work has resulted in long-term successful relationships with a number of Ukrainian companies and organizations.